This can get a little tricky. Hemp oil sometimes refers to a commonly sold oil on the market known as hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil, although derived also from the hemp plant, is different than hemp-derived CBD oil.
Quality hemp-derived CBD oil is an extract from the aerial parts of the plant. This is where large quantities of cannabidiol (CBD) are present. (Hemp-derived CBD oil also undergoes a different and more complex extraction method).
Meanwhile, hemp seed oil (sometimes called just hemp oil) is made from only the seeds of the hemp plant and contains minuscule (if any) quantities of CBD. For this reason, hemp seed oil may not have the same effects or uses as hemp CBD oil.
This doesn’t stop companies from making unsupported claims, however. If a vendor is marketing something as hemp oil, make sure that you dientify whether it’s hemp seed oil or in fact CBD hemp oil made from aerial parts of the plant. Also, do your research and read third-party lab reports before purchasing any CBD oil product.
All of our products at Therapeuticals contain CBD and we use third-party lab testing to verify product content. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any additional comments, questions, or concerns.